Builtin selectors

Selector NameDescriptionParametersExample
.h, .h(depth)Selects a heading node with the specified depth.None, depth.h, .h(6)
.h1Selects a heading node with the 1 depth.None.h1
.h2Selects a heading node with the 2 depth.None.h2
.h3Selects a heading node with the 3 depth.None.h3
.h4Selects a heading node with the 4 depth.None.h4
.h5Selects a heading node with the 5 depth.None.h5
.#Selects a heading node with the 1 depth.None.#
.##Selects a heading node with the 2 depth.None.##
.###Selects a heading node with the 3 depth.None.###
.####Selects a heading node with the 4 depth.None.####
.#####Selects a heading node with the 5 depth.None.#####
.codeSelects a code block node with the specified language.lang.code "rust"
.code_inlineSelects an inline code node.None.code_inline
.inline_mathSelects an inline math node.None.inline_math
.strongSelects a strong (bold) node.None.strong
.emphasisSelects an emphasis (italic) node.None.emphasis
.deleteSelects a delete (strikethrough) node.None.delete
.linkSelects a link node.None.link
.link_refSelects a link reference node.None.link_ref
.imageSelects an image node.None.image
.headingSelects a heading node with the specified depth.None.heading 1
.horizontal_ruleSelects a horizontal rule node.None.horizontal_rule
.blockquoteSelects a blockquote node.None.blockquote
.[][]Selects a table cell node with the specified row and column.row, column.[1][1]
.html ,.<>Selects an HTML node.None.html, .<>
.footnoteSelects a footnote node.None.footnote
.mdx_jsx_flow_elementSelects an MDX JSX flow element node.None.mdx_jsx_flow_element
.list,.[]Selects a list node with the specified index and checked state.indent.list(1), .[1]
.mdx_js_esmSelects an MDX JS ESM node.None.mdx_js_esm
.tomlSelects a TOML node.None.toml
.text Selects a Text node.None.text
.yamlSelects a YAML node.None.yaml
.breakSelects a break node.None.break
.mdx_text_expressionSelects an MDX text expression node.None.mdx_text_expression
.footnote_refSelects a footnote reference node.None.footnote_ref
.image_refSelects an image reference node.None.image_ref
.mdx_jsx_text_elementSelects an MDX JSX text element node.None.mdx_jsx_text_element
.mathSelects a math node.None.math
.math_inlineSelects a math inline node.None.math_inline
.mdx_flow_expressionSelects an MDX flow expression node.None.mdx_flow_expression
.definitionSelects a definition node.None.definition